Thursday, October 25, 2007

Oh yeah... I completely forgot to mention...

There are a few things I've forgotten to mention in previous posts. So here they are:

New Shoes -
On Friday afternoon, before meeting Praveen for our long journey to Hampi, I realised that I was probably going to destroy my feet if I don't do something about getting new shoes.
I heard a voice saying "Just Do It" over and over again, so I walked up to Brigade Road to the Nike shop and had a look. The salesman there was really helpful, he didn't try to upsell anything (except for the socks) he stayed well inside the budget that I told him. He brought out dozens of pairs and made sure they fit right
So 100 aussie bucks later, I was walking out with my brand new shoes and 3 new pairs of socks.
It does feel good to be in a decent pair of shoes though, I really needed them regardless so they were a good investment. It felt like I was floating when I was walking back to the apartment.

Aussie Aussie Aussie -
When we were in Hampi, out in the middle of nowhere, we bumped in to some Aussies! They came up to us and said "Australia are going to win tonight" (Referring to the cricket) Turns out they were also from Brisbane. What a small world.
Praveen was impressed that they could tell that I was an Aussie. But I think it may have more to do with the shirt he was wearing...

Watch your step -
If you're going to come to Bangalore take my advice
Watch your step - because the footpath may just have a giant hole in it

TV Routine

I've gotten myself into a bit of a TV routine now that I've found the good channels. In the mornings while I'm getting ready for work The Office (US) is on, which is a great way to start the day. In the evenings when I'm drifting off to sleep it is usually Friends & Seinfeld.

Occasionally I turn to the "Old School" channel (like our TV1) and watch shows from the 90's. Things like The X Files and Ally McBeal. It is a nice reminder of why I never watched these shows 10 years ago.

(They also play Full House, which is real old school!)

Tim Tams

They sell Tim Tams here!!


My entire life I was under the impression that Cadbury was Australian. Nope, It turns out it is from the UK. Most of the chocolate you buy in the shops is Cadbury like in Australia, and it's not as good as in Australia

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